01 48 27 42 22

Mentions legales

Your FNAIM real estate agency in Seine-Saint-Denis


Legal information

This website can be accessed at www.saint-denis-immobilier.fr is published by :

For management 
PCG Management
58, rue Gabriel PERI 93200 SAINT DENIS
RCS Bobigny 882 863 772  SAS € 10,000
C business cardsPI 9301 2020 000 045 276
Guaranteed by GALIAN 89 rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS

Represented by Michel LECAT

View management rates

For the transaction
58, rue Gabriel PERI 93200 SAINT DENIS - 01 48 27 42 22
Saint-Denis Immobilier RCS Bobigny 519.714.877 SARL € 10,000
Professional card no. CPI 9301 2015 000 002 771
Guaranteed by GALIAN 89 rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS

Represented by Michel LECAT and Smail FERTANE

View transaction rates


Publishing Director: Michel LECAT

Hereinafter referred to as "the publisher

Intellectual property

Texts, logos and illustrations are the exclusive property of the publisher.

Any copy, even partial, of editorial or illustrative elements is explicitly and strictly forbidden and would be considered as counterfeiting.

Use of this website is subject to French law.

Limitation of liability

The editorial and illustrative information provided on this site is provided for information purposes only and is not contractual. 

By accessing this site, you are informed that use of the Internet requires compliance with a set of laws relating in particular to copyright and the Data Protection Act.SAINT DENIS IMMOBILIER cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, and the publisher also reserves the right to modify and update the data on the site at any time.

Information Technology and Civil Liberties

(Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, on data processing, data files and individual liberties).

The processing of personal data carried out on this site complies with the requirements of law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified, relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

Any information transmitted via the contact form is used solely for the purpose of responding to the visitor's request, and is under no circumstances passed on to third parties.

In application of the French Intellectual Property Code, the reproduction for other than private use, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation or communication, in part or in full, of data (presentation, site layout, photos, texts and illustrations protected by copyright) is strictly subject to the prior written authorization of the above-mentioned rights holders.

The visitor has the right to access, question and rectify any personal data by writing to the site editor at the editor's address mentioned in paragraph 1, or by using the contact form made available to visitors to this site.


By accessing this site, you are informed that use of the Internet requires compliance with a set of laws relating in particular to copyright and the Data Protection Act.SAS LE SAINT LAURENT cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, and the publisher also reserves the right to modify and update the data on the site at any time.


Identity of the data controller

The Site is published by the company whose contact details are given above.
Access to the website and use of its content are subject to the terms of use described below.

Nature of personal data

The term "personal data" refers to any personal information that you may share with the operating company and that may enable the latter, directly or indirectly, to identify you as an individual, for example when you visit a website, request information, book a room or provide other services.

Personal data collected

You may be asked to provide your personal data when browsing the website of the operating company.

The compulsory or optional nature of the information requested is indicated at the time of collection by an asterisk "*". Information marked with an asterisk is compulsory, as it is essential for processing your various requests. The other information is intended to help us get to know you better and improve the services we offer you. It is therefore optional.

The operating company collects and processes your last name, first name, e-mail address, billing address, telephone number, IP address, connection and navigation data, your preferences and interests (non-smoking room, preferred room, type of stay, etc.) and your online reviews.

When is your personal data collected?

  • You browse the website (IP address and Cookies) and consult products or services;
  • You provide the operating company with your observations/comments in certain sections, via questionnaires or contact forms, or on the operating company's official social networking page;
  • You send the operating company an e-mail message ;
  • Subscribe to the newsletter mailing list;
  • You share a page or an offer by sending an email or via a social network;
  • You answer a satisfaction questionnaire;
  • You request a quote.

Data storage

The information collected is stored in our various reservation systems on secure, SSL-certified databases.

This database includes guests' names, addresses, telephone numbers, job titles, company names and credit card details. We may also record other information such as your room, meal, beverage and other service preferences, as well as the history of your stay with us.

Purpose of data collection by the operating company

Through the website, the operating company collects data about you that are strictly necessary for the following purposes:

  1. To manage your requests for information and reservations, as well as any loyalty programs;
  2. To improve and personalize the services of the operating company in order to facilitate your navigation on the website;
  3. To manage and monitor all customer relations;
  4. Manage subscriptions to news and promotional offers from the operating company (newsletter);
  5. To manage all your access requests in accordance with current legislation;
  6. Managing unpaid bills and litigation ;
  7. Handle application requests in connection with job offers from the operating company that have come to your attention, or any unsolicited application requests;
  8. Measuring quality and satisfaction.

If you do not provide the required information, your request will not be processed.

Commitments of the operating company with regard to the protection of personal data

Transparency and purpose :

No personal data is or will be collected without your knowledge. The optional or obligatory nature of the information to be communicated to the operating company in the context of the collection carried out on the website will be indicated to you beforehand, via the presence of the asterisk symbol "*". The operating company collects and processes your personal data solely for the purposes described in this Legal Notice.

Proportionality and relevance :

The operating company only collects and processes the personal data required to process your request or to personalize the services offered to you.

Data storage time :

The operating company retains your personal data only for as long as is necessary to process it in accordance with applicable law.

Security and privacy :

The operating company undertakes to take the necessary measures to guarantee the confidentiality of the data and not to disclose it to unauthorized third parties.

We may pass on your personal information to local authorities, if required by law or as part of an investigation and in accordance with local regulations.

As with most websites, certain information is automatically recorded via a protocol. This information includes protocol addresses (IP address), type of browser used, Internet service provider, referring and final pages, operating system, date, time and Clickstream data.

Cookies do not record information provided by users when booking online or registering a customer account. Cookies identify your browser rather than you, and cannot by themselves reveal your identity.

Respecting your rights :

You are informed of your right to query, access, rectify and object on legitimate grounds, as well as your right to object to commercial canvassing in accordance with the provisions of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978.

Rights of access, rectification and opposition :

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you, upon written request.
You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of your personal data.

To exercise any of these rights and obtain information about you, simply contact the operating company, whose contact details can be found at the beginning of this Legal Notice.


When consulting the website, certain information relating to your terminal's navigation may be recorded in files called "Cookies" installed on your terminal, subject to the choices you have expressed concerning Cookies, which you may modify at any time.

A cookie is a small text file stored in a dedicated space on your terminal's hard disk when you use your browser to consult an online service. It enables its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is stored, for the duration of the cookie's validity or storage.

The cookies issued by the operating company are used for the purposes described below, during the period of validity of the cookie concerned, subject to your choices, which result from the settings of your browser software used when you visit the website and whose settings you can change at any time.

Cookies from partner companies (third-party cookies) may be placed on your computer via the website's pages.

Only the sender of a cookie can read or modify the information contained in it.

Different types of cookies are used on the website for different purposes. Some are necessary for your use of the website.

Analytical cookies

These are cookies that enable the operating company :

  • to generate statistics on the various elements making up the website (sections and content visited, path taken) in order to improve the browsing experience offered;
  • to count the total number of advertisements displayed by it on its advertising spaces, to identify these advertisements, their number of displays, the number of clicks and browsing information.

Example of analytical cookies

  • Analytics: storage of browsing data
  • __utm Analytics: recording of browsing data
  • Campaign: recording of browsing data for advertising campaigns

Social network cookies and plug-ins (social buttons)

The operating company may include on the website tools for sharing content with other people, or for informing these other people of your consultation or opinion concerning content on our site. This is notably the case for "Share" and "Like" buttons on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The operating company has no control over the process used by social networks to collect information.

  • Facebook Connect: log in using your Facebook account
  • Facebook Social Graph: share the page on Facebook
  • Pinterest: share page on Pinterest
  • Linkedin: share the page on Linkedin
  • Instagram: share the page on Instagram

Cookies and machine identifiers for secure transactions

We inform you that when you place an order, the operating company, or its service providers acting on its behalf, may place cookies or collect information relating to your terminal, in particular the information (technical security attributes) necessary for the recognition of equipment (computer, tablet or cell phone) in order to identify your equipment for the purposes of securing transactions in your interest.

Advertising cookies

This site may place small text files (cookies) on the visitor's browser to facilitate navigation, make it more comfortable or for statistical purposes. They do not allow the visitor to be identified, and are completely neutral in terms of security.

Information is collected for the following purposes strictly for internal use and are not communicated to any third party.

All web browsers can be configured to refuse cookies. Please refer to your browser's help file to learn how to block cookies.

Additional information on cookies :

The advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.) displayed in the operator's advertising spaces may contain cookies issued by third parties, which may be used, during the period of validity of the cookies, to count clicks and to offer you the advertising best suited to your browsing behavior, centers of interest and preferences.

The refusal of advertising cookies has no impact on the use of the site and will not lead to the cessation of advertising on the site or on the Internet. The only effect will be to display advertising that does not take your interests or preferences into account.

These cookies depend mainly on advertising agencies. We cannot list them exhaustively:

  • AdWords: purchase of sponsored keywords displayed on Google
  • Facebook Custom Audience
  • targeted advertising: recording of browsing patterns

Targeted advertising

The site may contain cookies issued by third parties (advertising agencies and tools) which, during the period of validity of the cookie, enable the latter to collect browsing data relating to devices connecting to our sites, and also to offer you advertising content likely to correspond to your previous browsing on the site.

Under no circumstances does the collection of this data enable these service providers to identify you personally. Your surname, first name, user name, postal address, e-mail address and password will not be passed on to third parties without your express prior consent.

Your choices concerning cookies

You have several options for managing cookies. Any changes you make may affect your browsing experience and your access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.

The choices offered to you by your browser

You can customize your web browser (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) so that cookies are stored on your terminal or refused.

Refusing cookies

If you refuse to accept cookies, certain functions, such as identification / connection to your personal space, or personalization of your navigation (choice of preferred language, for example) will no longer be available.

The operating company declines all responsibility for the consequences of the degraded operation of its services and functionalities due to the refusal of the cookie.

How do you exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?

To manage cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. This is described in your browser's help menu, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences.

For Internet Explorer™ :


In Internet Explorer, click on the Tools button, then on Internet Options. On the General tab, under Browsing History, click on Settings. Click on the View files button. Click on the Name column heading to sort all files alphabetically, then scroll down the list until you see files beginning with the prefix "Cookie" (all cookies have this prefix and usually contain the name of the website that created the cookie). Select the cookie(s) containing the name of the operating company and delete it/them. Close the file list window, then double-click OK to return to Internet Explorer.

For Safari™ :

In your browser, choose Edit > Preferences. Click on Security. Click on Show Cookies. Select the cookies containing the name of the operating company and click on Delete or Delete all. After deleting cookies, click on Done.

For Chrome™ :

Open Google Chrome. In the browser toolbar, click on More. Position your cursor on More tools, then click on Clear browsing data. In the "Clear browsing data" window, check the boxes for Cookies and data from other sites or plug-ins, and Images and cached files. Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data you wish to delete. Select From top to delete all. Click on Clear browsing data.

For Firefox™ :

Go to the browser's "Tools" tab, then select the "Options" menu. In the window that appears, select "Privacy" and click on "Delete specific cookies". Locate the files containing the name of the operating company. Select and delete them.


Site design
Hotel Web-Design Hotel website design
France Web-Design Professional website design
128, rue de la boétie
75008 PARIS
+33 (0) 970407210

Host: OVH
SAS with capital of €10,069,020
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE code 2620Z
VAT NO.: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France



58 Rue Gabriel Péri, Saint-Denis

4.7 178 reviews

  • Avatar Aurélie H ★★★★★ less than a week ago
    Mr. Fertane is really a real estate agent like we'd always like to meet: very efficient, precise and transparent. He managed my apartment ... Read all for several years, then sold it with the same rigor and honesty.
    I can't recommend it highly enough.
  • Avatar Chloé Le Reste ★★★★★ 8 months ago
    Excellent buying experience with the agency. A big thank you to Mr Fertane, who is always available and willing to listen, for his expertise and ... Read all support throughout the project. I'm delighted to have had the opportunity to work in a transparent and caring way. I would highly recommend!

With offices in Saint-Denis, Aubervilliers, Stains, Pierrefitte, Saint-Ouen and the Seine-Saint-Denis region, Saint-Denis Immobilier offers apartments, buildings, houses and commercial premises for sale or rent.

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        Please fill in this form to make an appointment with an advisor
        Enter your name, then your phone number or email address.