Estimate / Sell property
Your FNAIM real estate agency in Seine-Saint-Denis

Smail Fertane
Agency Manager.
Expert Seine-Saint-Denis
Ihere are 2 things a salesperson needs to know. The first is that everything sells: whatever the condition of the property, whatever its location, whether it's empty, rented or even squatted... everything sells. It's just a question of price. That's why it's essential to put the right price on the market. The city is changing very fast, and our long-standing presence in the city center means that we can identify and anticipate these changes and the price variations that go with them.
Second point to bear in mind: buyers don't distrust what they're told... they distrust what they're not told!
Giving out all the information - positive, of course, but also negative - is not only a legal obligation, it's also essential for a successful sale.
Saint-Denis Immobilier - established in Saint-Denis since 1986 - not only masters all the legal and tax intricacies of a successful property sale, but also knows almost every building in the city center!
Don't hesitate to ask us for an estimate or advice: it's free, there's no obligation, and you can judge our professionalism for yourself.
Selling a rented or squatted apartment
Valuation and sale of an occupied apartment
Whether rented or squatted, an apartment can always be sold. It's a question of price and method...
Valuation of an occupied apartment
The valuation of an occupied property is based primarily on profitability and risk.
While the profitability of an apartment rented to a tenant who pays his or her rent regularly poses no problem, the same cannot be said for an apartment that is squatted or occupied by a bad-paying tenant. What's more, it's not uncommon - or even uncommon! - that the property is in need of repair.
This profitability must therefore take into account all of the following elements:
- amount of potential rent,
- amount of work required to make the property rentable,
- cost of eviction proceedings,
- duration of this procedure,
- cost of financial immobilization until the problem is resolved,
- and finally the level and cost of risk.
This method of analysis may seem a little complex to master, but it's the only one that's suitable for a property squatted or occupied by a bad payer.
If you prefer to vacate your property, Saint-Denis Immobilier has a thorough understanding of the procedures involved in obtaining the release of a squatted property. The agency can manage the entire procedure on your behalf no matter where your property is located. The agency can also put you in touch with investors who are familiar with these situations, who know how to manage them, and who buy squatted properties.
Selling the property
Selling an occupied property is a tricky business. The occupant sometimes - but not always - benefits from a preferential right to buy the property. It is therefore important to know when and how to notify the occupier of this right. A significant proportion of court disputes arise from failure to comply with the - very precise - form used by the owner to notify this right.
Please note that if you notify your tenant of a right they don't have, they automatically become the holder of that right, and you could find yourself in a tricky situation.
The questions of the security deposit, any rent arrears, and the advertised quality of the tenant ("he pays his rent very well") are decisive for a smooth sale.
Saint-Denis Immobilier manages properties on behalf of hundreds of investors, who could be the future buyer of yours!
With offices in Saint-Denis, Aubervilliers, Stains, Pierrefitte, Saint-Ouen and the Seine-Saint-Denis region, Saint-Denis Immobilier offers apartments, buildings, houses and commercial premises for sale or rent.
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